CALL US: (914) 946-2889 • 245 Main Street, Suite 450, White Plains, NY 10601
This is an unprecedented time.
The COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in many people losing work. Since mid-March, more than 22 million people filed for unemployment benefits in the United States.
If you lost your job due to COVID-19, you may be eligible to claim unemployment insurance benefits.
The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The Act provides enhanced unemployment insurance benefits ($600 per week) and pandemic unemployment assistance (an additional $600 per week for individuals that do not typically qualify for traditional unemployment).
New York State is waiving their traditional seven-day waiting period for unemployment benefits due to COVID-19 closures or quarantines.
Self-employed and contract workers who have lost wages due to the pandemic may also be eligible for unemployment and can now file online. If you’re self-employed, follow these instructions for filing a claim.
There are several ways to expedite your unemployment claim.
If you are filing a new unemployment insurance claim, the day you should file is based on the first letter of your last name.
Find out what day to apply here
. Claims will be retroactive to your first day of unemployment.
The fastest way to file a claim is online , with your ID. Step by step instructions are available here.
The quickest way to receive your benefits is through direct deposit. Otherwise, you will need to wait for the Department of Labor to mail you a debit card.
You may also be protected by paid sick leave and family leave laws.
Read our post about the Families First Act here.
In the meantime, everyone can benefit from trimming back expenses.
Read our post here on how to save money during this period.
Considering a debt consolidation or debt relief company?
Before you, your clients, or your friends consider debt consolidation or debt relief from companies like Freedom Debt Relief, New York Debt Relief, or National Debt Relief, please call us and we will determine whether or not you would benefit from such debt relief companies. If we cannot help you with our legal services, we will recommend alternative solutions.
We are here for you.
Call (914-946-2889) or email us at
Francis J. Malara
Anne Penachio
with any questions or for a free consultation.
Additional Resources
Read the
Workplace Rights and COVID-19 Fact Sheet
by the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) for a summary of city, state, and federal laws that may protect you.
Get more information about unemployment benefits from the New York Department of Labor .
The post What Are my Options If I am Out of Work Due to COVID-19? appeared first on Penachio Malara, LLP - Bankruptcy Lawyers.
Office Location
245 Main Street
Suite 450
White Plains, NY 10601
Office Location
245 Main Street
Suite 450
White Plains, NY 10601
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